Presented by

What if the Oral Health Strategies Used by 33 of the
Very Best Scientists, Researchers, Doctors and Nutritionists Were Right at Your Fingertips?




33 Presentations From the Holistic Oral Health Summit
All 33 Audio Recordings
All 33 Easy-to-Read Transcripts
Plus valuable bonuses!

Own the Holistic Oral Health Summit
+ Up to $900 in Bonuses!




All 33 Holistic Oral Health Summit Presentations (online only)

Bonus: Audios + Transcripts of All 33 Presentations (Online only)
Bonus: Dental Poisons Exposed Video Presentation (Online only)
Bonus: Oral Health Q&A Webinar (Online only)
Bonus: Oral Health - A Better Way Video Presentation (Online only)
Bonus: Uninformed Consent - The Hidden Dangers of Dental Care Audio (Online only)
Bonus: Oral Health & Essential Oils (Online only)
Bonus: How to Save Your Teeth (Online only)
Bonus: Holistic Oral Care (Online only)
Bonus: 12 Advanced Healing and Performance Strategies (Online only)
Bonus: Strategies to Survive a Stressful,Toxic World (Online only)
Bonus: Balancing Body Chemistry Guide (Online only)


DIGITAL + shipped



All 33 Holistic Oral Health Summit Presentations (Flash Drive & online)

Bonus: Audios + Transcripts of All 33 Presentations (Bound Book, Flash Drive & Online)
Bonus: Dental Poisons Exposed Video Presentation (Online only)
Bonus: Oral Health Q&A Webinar (Online only)
Bonus:  Oral Health - A Better Way Video Presentation (Online only)
Bonus: Uninformed Consent - The Hidden Dangers of Dental Care Audio (Online only)
Bonus: Oral Health & Essential Oils (Online only)
Bonus: How to Save Your Teeth (Online only)
Bonus: Holistic Oral Care (Online only)
Bonus: 12 Advanced Healing and Performance Strategies (Online only)
Bonus: Strategies to Survive a Stressful,Toxic World (Online only)
Bonus: Balancing Body Chemistry Guide (Online only)





All 33 Holistic Oral Health Summit Presentations (Flash Drive only)

Bonus: Audios + Transcripts of All 33 Presentations (Bound Book & Flash Drive)



The doctors, researchers, scientists and experts featured in the Holistic Oral Health Summit have
dedicated their entire careers to learning and understanding healthy dental function.

One viewing (or even two or three!) isn’t nearly enough to grasp all
the life-changing knowledge shared in all 33 presentations.

That's why you'll want to watch this event again and again and again — and I promise you each time you do —
you'll pick up priceless nuggets you didn't notice before.

(Seriously... I was there during the live expert talks, and when I listened the recordings later, there were
so many great truths I didn't notice the first time around!)

Owning this information will also make sure you have it to share with someone you love.
Since up to 80% of disease symptoms are triggered by problems in the mouth, pretty much
everyone you know needs to see this!

Imagine having all the answers they need right at your fingertips… 

Any time, for any situation, for anyone you care about.

But hurry, because these life-saving recordings are only available for a limited time!

You Won't Hear About These
Dental Health Solutions Anywhere Else!

Suppressed Truths

Toxins and Bugs:
The Dangers Lurking in the Mouth

Oksana Sawiak, DDS, IMD, MAGD

Urgent warnings about gum disease
Learn about the best non-surgical gum treatments
How to safely eliminate parasites

Cancer Success Story: My Path to Healing

Dr. Robert Kleinwaks

Revealing an extraordinary story of cancer healing
Learn how poor oral health can stress immunity and trigger cancer
The single best health tip, especially for cancer patients!

Is It Wise to Keep Your Wisdom Teeth?

Dr. Blanche D. Grube

Health dangers associated with impacted wisdom teeth
What you need to know BEFORE extracting a wisdom tooth
How to properly extract a wisdom tooth (and its effect on energy levels)

Conventional Dentistry: A Risk to Society

Mike Adams

Special message for every conventionally-trained dentist
Why conventional dentistry is taking so long to change its ways
8 most ignored health enhancing techniques available to modern dentistry

Hidden Disease Triggers

The Truth About Gum Disease

John Rothchild, DDS

Critical signs of a gum infection
Why some people get gum disease and some don't
Best strategies to treat gum disease

Is Your Mouth Killing You?

Christopher Hussar, DDS, DO

Surprising health news about wisdom teeth
How to properly diagnose and treat jaw bone infections
Learn about the connection between dental infections and cancer

Medical Alert: Root Canal Procedures

Robert Kulacz, DDS

An unpopular scientific truth about root canal treated teeth
How root canal teeth can threaten human health
Best options for tooth extraction and replacement options

Solutions for Heart Disease and Oral Infections

Thomas E. Levy, MD, JD

Misunderstood threat linked to oxidative stress
Stunning revelations about hidden infections in our mouth
"Big Four" nutritional supplements to avoid premature death by chronic disease

Cavitation Dangers: How to Heal Properly

Stuart Nunnally, DDS, MS

Hidden dangers of cavitations
Best way to properly treat cavitations
How correctly treated cavitations can improve your health

"I want to thank Jonathan for creating the Holistic Oral Health Summit.
I finally know what's causing my health issues and I'm so grateful
this is literally going to save my life."

- Denise V.

Dangerous Dental Errors

Dangerous Dentistry: A Medical Perspective

David Minkoff, MD

Why some dentists do medical procedures unsafe by other physicians
The link between root canal treated teeth and heart attacks
The greatest poisons in the mouth that threaten immune function

Breast Cancer: What You Need to Know

Dr. Véronique Desaulniers

Learn what increases your risk of breast cancer
Best foods and supplements to reduce your risk of cancer
Discover the most important lifestyle habit needed to detoxify the body

Gum Disease: Signs, Symptoms and Solutions

Lane Freeman, DDS

Why gum disease is so dangerous to overall health
Best ways to treat and eliminate gum disease (with at-home remedies!)
Discover the least known (but important) fact about gum disease

Removing Toxins with Chelation Therapy

Dr. Thomas Janossy

When mercury fillings should be removed
Link between candida, mercury and EDTA
Why glutathione is essential for detoxification

Natural Solutions for Toxic Dental Procedures

Robyn Openshaw

Hidden dangers of conventional dentistry
Why biological dentistry is such a "mystery" to so many people
Best tips for improving the health of your teeth and gums

Avoiding Oral Toxicity

Your Cancer Risk EXPOSED

Ty Bollinger

Surprising truth about smokeless tobacco and cancer risk
Deadly realities of root canal treated teeth
Most effective ways to reduce the risk of cancer

Mercury Amalgam Silver Fillings: 
A Guide to Safe Removal

Leonard T. Fazio, DDS

Biggest difference between a mercury-free and mercury-safe dentist
Important questions to ask a dentist before removing mercury fillings
Safe, step-by-step guide to removing mercury fillings

Mercury Exposure: An Alzheimer’s Disease Alert

Boyd Haley, PhD

How mercury blocks the brain from functioning properly
Scientific proof that mercury in silver fillings can cause Alzheimer’s disease
Discover the best nutrients to safely detoxify mercury from the body

Mercury Poisoning:
Signs, Testing and a Detox Plan

Chris Shade, PhD

Best ways to test for mercury toxicity
In-depth understanding about creating a successful detox plan
Substances to help eliminate heavy metals from the body

Digestive Solutions: The Oral Health-Gut Connection

Tom O'Bryan, DC, CCN

Difference between non-celiac gluten sensitivity and celiac disease
How poor oral health can trigger "leaky gut" and other chronic diseases
Foods and supplements to reduce inflammation and improve digestion

Click the button below to get lifetime access to all 33 expert talks + over $900 in bonuses.

Saving Your Teeth

Natural Remedies for Oral Health

Robert Scott Bell

Discover the key elements to effective detoxification
The worst nutritional deficiencies connected to poor oral health
Best homeopathic remedies to eliminate infections in the mouth

How to Pick the Best Dentist for Your Health

Griffin Cole, DDS, NMD

How to find a dentist who will do no harm!
Disclosing a serious warning about crowns and bridges
Important questions to ask before you get dental work

Suppressed Dental Crimes and Natural Remedies

David Kennedy, DDS

Your dentist may be mentally impaired! Why?
Disturbing truth about fluoride and commonly-sold dental care products
How to naturally and effectively avoid cavities and gum disease

Essential Oils for Oral Health

Eric L. Zielinski, DC

Danger of ignoring oral health issues
Best essential oils for oral health and how to properly use them
Simple, do-it-yourself recipes for toothpaste and mouthwash

Non-Toxic Solutions

How to Stay Healthy in
a Chronically-Inflamed World

Thomas Lokensgard, DDS, NMD

Main reasons why the body gets chronically inflamed
Testing procedures to determine inflammation and disease risk
Ways to avoid inflammation, disease and dramatically improve your health

Why Am I Still Sick:
Overlooked Solutions Revealed

Lowell B. Weiner, DDS, FAGD

Learn how oral infections damage digestion and immune function
How dental issues affect sleep, brain function and emotional wellbeing
The most overlooked reason for panic attacks and anxiety

Oil Pulling Therapy:
A Natural Way to Kill Infections

Dr. Bruce Fife

What is "oil pulling?"
Discover the many significant health benefits of oil pulling
Learn how oil pulling promotes healing throughout the entire body

Your Mouth and Body: Creating Healthy Chemistry and Energy

Tammy Kohlschmidt, RDH, CCT, CBP

Simple, valuable guide to good oral care
How to kill infections and reduce disease risk naturally
Best tips for reversing gum pockets, bad breath and much more

7 Questions to Ask Your Dentist

Marjory Wildcraft

Your guide to being a smart dental patient
What to look for when reviewing a dental website
Best certifications to look for in a dentist

"I just want to THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH for the Holistic Oral Health Summit! The speakers were wonderful."

- Diana D.

Stop Gum Disease

Health Alert: Avoiding the Dangers of Dentistry

Leo Cashman

How to avoid major mistakes when removing silver (mercury) fillings
Guide to detoxification after mercury fillings have been removed
Revealing a massive cover-up within conventional dentistry

Vitamin C Therapy: Neutralizing Dental Toxins

Ronald Hunninghake, MD

Shocking reason why healthy eaters are still sick
Learn how Vitamin C can safely neutralize dangerous toxins
Discover the best ways to take Vitamin C

Are Your Teeth Making You Sick?

Dawn Ewing, DNM, PhD

Connection between the mouth and chronic disease
How to dramatically improve immune function
Special health alert for people suffering from blood sugar issues

Integrative Biological Dentistry: A Non-Toxic Approach

Phil Mollica, MS, DMD, NMD

Difference between conventional and integrative biological dentistry
How dentistry has an impact on the entire body and overall wellbeing
Ozone therapy to prevent cavities, infections, root canals and disease symptoms

Holistic Dental Care: Your Guide to Healthy Teeth and Gums

Nadine Artemis

Learn about the "triple threat" to your mouth and overall health
Discover 3 ways to rebuild the health of your mouth
Nadine reveals her 8-step program for better oral health



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and claim your bonuses

Dental Poisons Exposed

with David Kennedy, DDS

In this exclusive video presentation, Dr. Kennedy and Jonathan Landsman issue a major health warning for every pregnant woman, the untold truth about lead toxicity, the essential mineral needed for mercury detoxification and preventing cancer + much more!

Oral Health
Q&A Webinar

with Griffin Cole, DDS, NMD

Jonathan Landsman and Dr. Cole answer all your questions about preventing cavities, at-home remedies, oral infections, improperly extracted teeth, root canal treated teeth, gum disease, plus much more!

Oral Health -
A Better Way

with Reid Winick, DDS and
Tammy Kohlschmidt, RDH, CCT, CBP 

In this video presentation, you'll hear an in-depth discussion about everything you need to know to save your teeth, avoid needless pain and dramatically improve your health.

Click the button below to get lifetime access to all 33 expert talks + over $900 in bonuses.

Uninformed Consent - The Hidden Dangers of Dental Care

with Hal A. Huggins, DDS, MS

Dr. Hal Huggins, "The World's Most Controversial Dentist" spoke to Jonathan Landsman - in one of his last interviews before Dr. Huggins passed away. Listen now to this eye-opening presentation. You will never view dental care the same, after you hear this very special bonus presentation.

An Evidence-Based Look at Oral Health & Essential Oils

by Eric L. Zielinski, DC

Your mouth is the window to your health.

In the last 20-30 years, the connection between oral health and chronic disease has been firmly confirmed. Truth is, your mouth doesn’t lie!

You oral cavity is more than just the thermometer of your health, it’s also the thermostat. The oral cavity holds this wonderfully unique ability to help people gage how the rest of their body is functioning, as well as setting the baseline for immune performance.

Achieving optimal health is always accomplished by focusing on root cause triggers, taking proactive prevention measures and choosing natural solutions when disease settles in. This eBook is a great start to this journey and, remember, it all starts in your mouth!

How to Save
Your Teeth

by David Kennedy, DDS

Gum disease and tooth decay are the major causes of tooth loss. Both result from bacterial infections and poor nutrition and are entirely preventable. This book gives a step-by-step approach for restoring teeth and healthy gums and maintaining them, with a major emphasis on prevention. Prevention is the only practical and cost-effective way to keep your teeth all your life.

This eBook also deals in detail with three of the major controversies facing the dental consumer today: "silver" fillings, non-surgical treatment for gum disease, and fluoride.

Click the button below to get lifetime access to all 33 expert talks + over $900 in bonuses.

12 Advanced Healing and Performance Strategies

by David Jockers, DNM, DC

The modern world is full of environmental toxins. It is imperative to have a daily detoxification lifestyle to get these unwanted toxins out of our system.

Discover 12 advanced lifestyle strategies to help you detoxify, heal and perform at a higher level.

If you are trying to heal leaky gut, detoxify your liver, balance your hormones, prevent/reverse cancer, reduce autoimmunity or enhance your performance in business and life then you will want to follow many if not all of the strategies in this eBook.

Strategies to Survive a Stressful,Toxic World

by National Integrative
Health Associates

We live in an increasingly toxic, stressful, and nutrient deficient world. This is the major reason why so many chronic illnesses (autism, cancer, diabetes, obesity, neurodegenerative illness, autoimmune disease, gastrointestinal dysfunction, hormonal imbalance, and many more categories of illness) are increasingly more frequent in spite of the ever escalating resources (time, energy, money) devoted to their resolution.

This eBook contains a compilation of critical resources to help you stay healthy in our modern world.

Balancing Body Chemistry

by Ellen Tart Jensen, PhD, D.Sc.

This in-depth action guide will help you to understand if your body is in balance or out of balance, and you'll learn how to naturally keep or bring your body back to a harmonious balance. 

Inside its pages you'll discover...

The meaning of body chemistry and reasons why it can become imbalanced.
The meaning of health and illness.
How to observe the body and understand signs or “body language” that reveals imbalances in specific organs or body systems.
Important chemical elements that are necessary for human life and the health of specific organs and body systems.
Some of the foods and herbs that contain the chemical elements necessary for balancing body chemistry and providing health as well as foods that do not.

Take Advantage of Our

100% Money-Back Guarantee!

We are so confident that you will be transformed and helped by the Holistic Oral Health Summit — not to mention the hundreds of dollars in bonuses — that we're willing to offer you this no-risk, money-back guarantee...

If you change your mind for any reason, simply contact us within 30 days, and your full purchase price will be courteously returned.

We are committed to getting the program in as many hands as possible...

So go ahead and get the Holistic Oral Health Summit with no risk!

Experience the freedom that comes with enjoying radiant health, and helping your family and loved ones enjoy it, too.

Get the Holistic Oral Health Summit and take advantage of all the exclusive content and valuable bonuses from our team of experts!

Own the Holistic Oral Health Summit
+ Up to $900 in Bonuses!




All 33 Holistic Oral Health Summit Presentations (online only)

Bonus: Audios + Transcripts of All 33 Presentations (Online only)
Bonus: Dental Poisons Exposed Video Presentation (Online only)
Bonus: Oral Health Q&A Webinar (Online only)
Bonus: Oral Health - A Better Way Video Presentation (Online only)
Bonus: Uninformed Consent - The Hidden Dangers of Dental Care Audio (Online only)
Bonus: Oral Health & Essential Oils (Online only)
Bonus: How to Save Your Teeth (Online only)
Bonus: Holistic Oral Care (Online only)
Bonus: 12 Advanced Healing and Performance Strategies (Online only)
Bonus: Strategies to Survive a Stressful,Toxic World (Online only)
Bonus: Balancing Body Chemistry Guide (Online only)


DIGITAL + shipped



All 33 Holistic Oral Health Summit Presentations (Flash Drive & online)

Bonus: Audios + Transcripts of All 33 Presentations (Bound Book, Flash Drive & Online)
Bonus: Dental Poisons Exposed Video Presentation (Online only)
Bonus: Oral Health Q&A Webinar (Online only)
Bonus:  Oral Health - A Better Way Video Presentation (Online only)
Bonus: Uninformed Consent - The Hidden Dangers of Dental Care Audio (Online only)
Bonus: Oral Health & Essential Oils (Online only)
Bonus: How to Save Your Teeth (Online only)
Bonus: Holistic Oral Care (Online only)
Bonus: 12 Advanced Healing and Performance Strategies (Online only)
Bonus: Strategies to Survive a Stressful,Toxic World (Online only)
Bonus: Balancing Body Chemistry Guide (Online only)





All 33 Holistic Oral Health Summit Presentations (Flash Drive only)

Bonus: Audios + Transcripts of All 33 Presentations (Bound Book & Flash Drive)



Hello, my name is Jonathan Landsman and I’ve been in the health and fitness industry for over 35 years.

As the creator of I’ve worked with the brightest minds in natural health and science. I’ve also produced over 500 health programs with over 300 of the finest integrative healthcare practitioners in the world.

Did you know that up to 80% of disease symptoms are triggered by problems in the mouth? In fact, many health problems like heart disease, dementia, autoimmune disorders, and even cancer have their roots in poor oral health.  

My wife and I have spent a small fortune reversing the physical and emotional damage done to us by conventional dentistry. But, it's my hope that you will learn from our pain and suffering and take the answers we've found to experience incredible health breakthroughs in your own life, just like we have. 

After listening to the Holistic Oral Health Summit, you will never have to be harmed by conventional dentistry again. 



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The information on this website has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to treat, diagnose, cure or prevent any disease. This information is not intended as a substitute for the advice or medical care of a qualified health care professional and you should seek the advice of your health care professional before undertaking any dietary or lifestyle changes. The material provided on this website is for educational purposes only.